Sun, 18 December 2016
Date: 12-18-2016. Title: The Light Of The World. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: John 1. |
Sun, 11 December 2016
Date: 12-11-2016. Title: The Throne of David. Speaker: Paul Berube. |
Sun, 4 December 2016
Date: 12-04-2016. Title: Embracing The Fear Of God. Speaker: Stevens Vuppula |
Sun, 27 November 2016
Date: 11-27-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #15. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 15. |
Sun, 20 November 2016
Date: 11-20-2016. Title: Being Thankful Before Thanksgiving. Speaker: Paul Berube. |
Sun, 13 November 2016
Date: 11-13-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #14. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 14. |
Tue, 8 November 2016
Date: 11-06-2016. Title: The Disruptive Presence of God. Speaker: Brian Hardin. |
Mon, 31 October 2016
Date: 10-30-2016. Title: A Table In The Presence of Your Enemies. Speaker: Bishop Sergei Baluke. |
Sat, 29 October 2016
Date: 10-20-2016. Title: GOIAM 2016 - Session 6. Speaker: Joel Richardson. |
Sat, 29 October 2016
Date: 10-19-2016. Title: GOIAM 2016 - Session 5. Speaker: Jim Susler. |
Sat, 29 October 2016
Date: 10-19-2016. Title: GOIAM 2016 - Session 4. Speaker: Joel Richardson. |
Sat, 29 October 2016
Date: 10-19-2016. Title: GOIAM 2016 - Session 3. Speaker: Joel Richardson. |
Sat, 29 October 2016
Date: 10-19-2016. Title: GOIAM 2016 - Session 2. Speaker: RT Kendall. |
Sat, 29 October 2016
Date: 10-18-2016. Title: GOIAM 2016 - Session 1. Speaker: RT Kendall. |
Tue, 25 October 2016
Date: 10-23-2016. Title: The Gospel-Second Service. Speaker: Joel Richardson. |
Tue, 25 October 2016
Date: 10-23-2016. Title: The Gospel-First Service. Speaker: Joel Richardson. |
Sun, 16 October 2016
Date: 10-16-2016. Title: The Sensitivity of The Holy Spirit. Speaker: RT Kendall. |
Sun, 9 October 2016
Date: 10-09-2016. Title: Philippians Chapter 3. Speaker: Mike Mahoney. Primary Text: Philippians 3. |
Sun, 2 October 2016
Date: 10-02-2016. Title: The Pharisee Who Found Calvary. Speaker: Paul Kumar. Primary Text: John 3. |
Sun, 2 October 2016
Date: 9-25-2016. Title: Chandy Thomas of Gateways Beyond in Cypress |
Sun, 2 October 2016
Date: 9-25-2016. Title: Matthew Rudolph of Gateways Beyond in Cypress |
Sun, 18 September 2016
Date: 9-18-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #13. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 13. |
Sun, 11 September 2016
Date: 9-11-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #12. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 12. |
Sun, 4 September 2016
Date: 9-04-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #11. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 11. |
Tue, 23 August 2016
Date: 8-21-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #6. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 10. |
Fri, 19 August 2016
Date: 8-14-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #9. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 9. |
Wed, 3 August 2016
Date: 7-24-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #6. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 6. |
Mon, 18 July 2016
Date: 7-17-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #5. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 5. |
Mon, 18 July 2016
Date: 7-10-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #4. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 4. |
Mon, 18 July 2016
Date: 7-3-2016. Title: Christianity is a Relationship. Speaker: Paul Kumar. Primary Text: Isaiah 58:2,3. |
Wed, 29 June 2016
Date: 6-26-2016. Title: Philippians Chapter 2. Speaker: Mike Mahoney. Primary Text: Philippians 2. |
Wed, 29 June 2016
Date: 6-19-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #3. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 3. |
Mon, 13 June 2016
Date: 6-12-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #2. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 2. |
Fri, 10 June 2016
Date: 6-5-2016. Title: Overcoming Our Old Man. Speaker: Paul Kumar. Primary Text: Ephesians 4:25-32. |
Mon, 30 May 2016
Date: 5-29-2016. Title: The Book of Exodus - Lesson #1. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Exodus 1. |
Wed, 25 May 2016
Date: 5-22-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #47. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 49,50. |
Wed, 25 May 2016
Date: 5-15-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #46. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 47,48. |
Wed, 25 May 2016
Date: 5-8-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #45. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 46. |
Mon, 2 May 2016
Date: 5-1-2016. Title: Stay on Target. Speaker: Micah Groder. Primary Text: Daniel 4. |
Mon, 2 May 2016
Date: 4-24-2016. Title: Lifestyles for Going Deep. Speaker: Paul Kumar. Primary Text: Colossians 4:2-6. |
Mon, 18 April 2016
Date: 4-17-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #44. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 44, 45. |
Mon, 18 April 2016
Date: 4-10-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #43. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 42, 43. |
Tue, 5 April 2016
Date: 4-3-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #42. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 40, 41. |
Sun, 27 March 2016
Date: 3-27-2016. Title: Resurrection Sunday. Speaker: Paul Berube. |
Mon, 21 March 2016
Date: 3-20-2016. Title: Holy Week. Speaker: Paul Berube. |
Mon, 14 March 2016
Date: 3-13-2016. Title: Philippians Chapter 1. Speaker: Mike Mahoney. Primary Text: Philippians 1. |
Sun, 6 March 2016
Date: 3-6-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #41. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 38. |
Sun, 6 March 2016
Date: 2-28-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #40. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 37. |
Sun, 6 March 2016
Date: 2-21-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #39. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 36. |
Tue, 16 February 2016
Date: 2-14-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #38. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 35. |
Sun, 7 February 2016
Date: 2-7-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #37. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 34. |
Sun, 31 January 2016
Date: 1-31-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #36. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 33. |
Sun, 24 January 2016
Date: 1-24-2016. Title: The Book of Genesis - Lesson #35. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Genesis 32. |
Sun, 17 January 2016
Date: 1-17-2016. Title: A Call to Live in the Presence of God. Speaker: Augustine. Primary Text: Genesis 28:10-15. |
Sun, 17 January 2016
Date: 1-10-2016. Title: Spiritual Rules for the Home. Speaker: Paul Kumar. Primary Text: Ephesians 5:22-33. |
Sun, 3 January 2016
Date: 1-3-2016. Title: Reset in 2016. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Matthew 6:25-34. |