Sun, 30 March 2008
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-30-08. Title: He Who Has Ears to Hear. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Psalms 81.
Sun, 23 March 2008
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-23-08. Title: A Focus on the Resurrection. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: 1Corinthians 15.
Sun, 16 March 2008
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-16-08. Title: The Creation and Purchase of the Bride of Christ. Speaker: Don Littlefield.
Sun, 9 March 2008
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-9-08. Title: Don't Give Up The Ultimate For The Immediate. Speaker: Stevens Vuppula. Primary Text: John 15:1-10.
Sun, 2 March 2008
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-2-08. Title: Book of 2 Corinthians - Lesson 6. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: 2 Corinthians 3:1-11.