Mon, 27 December 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 12-26-10. Title: The Parable Of The Sower. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Luke 8:5-15. |
Sun, 19 December 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 12-19-10. Title: A Look At The The First Family, Lesson 3. Speaker: Paul Berube. |
Sun, 12 December 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 12-12-10. Title: A Look At The The First Family. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Matthew 1. |
Sun, 5 December 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 12-5-10. Title: Lessons From The First Family. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Luke 1:26-45. |
Sun, 28 November 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 11-28-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 16. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 6:13-20. |
Wed, 24 November 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 11-21-10. Title: Who Is Our God? Speaker: Dr. Artif Debs . Primary Text: Acts 17:16-33. |
Sun, 14 November 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 11-14-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 15. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 6:9-12. |
Sun, 7 November 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 11-7-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 14. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 6:4-8. |
Sun, 31 October 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 10-31-10. Title: Standing with Israel in the End Times. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Romans 11:25-26. |
Mon, 25 October 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 10-24-10. Title: The Disciple and The Cross. Speaker: Paul Kumar. Primary Text: Luke 5:1-5. |
Sun, 17 October 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 10-17-10. Title: Grace and Mercy. Speaker: Misha Balko. Primary Text: Hebrews 4:16. |
Mon, 11 October 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 10-10-10. Title: Forgetting What Is Behind. Speaker: Dr. R. T. Kendall. Primary Text: Revelation 12:10-12. |
Sun, 3 October 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 10-3-10. Title: A Primer on Tongues. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: 1 Corintians 12:4-11. |
Sun, 26 September 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 9-26-2010. Title: Lord, Teach Us to Pray. Speaker: Dr. A. L. Gill. Primary Text: Luke 11:1, 2. |
Sun, 19 September 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 9-19-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 13. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 6:1-3. |
Sun, 12 September 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 9-12-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 12. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 5:11-14. |
Sun, 29 August 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 8-29-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 10. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 4:14-16. |
Sun, 22 August 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 8-22-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 9. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 4:12, 13. |
Sun, 15 August 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 8-15-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 8. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 4:1-11. |
Wed, 11 August 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 8-8-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 7. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 3:7:19. |
Sun, 8 August 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 8-1-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 6. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 3:1-6. |
Sun, 25 July 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 7-25-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 5. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 2:9-18. |
Sun, 18 July 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 7-18-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 4. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 2:5-9. |
Sun, 18 July 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 7-11-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 3. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 2:1-4. |
Sun, 4 July 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 7-4-10. Title: Be Diligent to Grow Spiritually. Speaker: Gilson Sousa. Primary Text: 2 Peter 3:17, 18. |
Sun, 4 July 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 6-27-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 2. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 1:4-14. |
Fri, 25 June 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 6-20-10. Title: The Book of Hebrews, Lesson 1. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Hebrews 1:1-3. |
Sun, 13 June 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 6-13-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 17. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 5:19-20. |
Sun, 6 June 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 6-6-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 16. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 5:13-20. |
Sun, 30 May 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermons and Things. Date: 5-30-2010. Speaker: Keith Marsh. Title: Establish Your Heart. Primary Text: James 5:7,8. |
Wed, 26 May 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 5-23-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 15. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 5:7-11. |
Sun, 16 May 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 5-16-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 14. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 5:1-6. |
Sun, 9 May 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 5-9-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 13. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 4:11-17. |
Sun, 2 May 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 5-2-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 12. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 4:1-10. |
Sun, 25 April 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 4-25-10. Title: Change Your Game, Then Get In The Game. Speaker: Fouad Faris. Primary Text: Romans 12:1-8. |
Sun, 18 April 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 4-18-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 11. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 3:13-18. |
Mon, 12 April 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 4-11-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 10. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 3:1-12. |
Tue, 6 April 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 4-4-10. Title: He is Risen! Speaker: Paul Berube. |
Sun, 28 March 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-28-10. Title: The Triumphal Entry. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: Matthew 21:1-11. |
Sun, 28 March 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-28-10. Title: Benin 2010 Report. Speaker: Paul Berube. |
Sun, 21 March 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-21-10. Title: Return Speaker: Stevens Vuppula. Primary Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24. |
Sun, 21 March 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-14-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 9. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 2:14-26. |
Fri, 19 March 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 2-28-10. Title: Getting into the Scriptures Seminar. Speaker: Jim Luther.
Direct download: Getting_Into_The_Scriptures_Seminar_2-28-10.mp3
Category:Messages of Note -- posted at: 6:31am EDT |
Wed, 10 March 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 3-7-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 8. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 2:1-13. |
Mon, 1 March 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 2-28-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 7. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 1:26,27. |
Sun, 21 February 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermons and Things. Date: 2-21-2010. Speaker: Keith Marsh. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 6. Primary Text: James 1:21-27. |
Sun, 14 February 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 2-7-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 5. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 1:21-25. |
Sun, 7 February 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 2-7-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 4. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 1:12-19.
Mon, 1 February 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 1-31-10. Title: January 2010 In-Gathering. Speaker: Paul Berube. |
Sun, 10 January 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 1-10-10. Title: Son of Man, What Do You See? Speaker: Keith Marsh. Primary Text: Acts 13, 19. |
Tue, 5 January 2010
Grace Fellowship Sermon and Things. Date: 1-3-10. Title: The Book of James, Lesson 2. Speaker: Paul Berube. Primary Text: James 1:2-4.